Wednesday, October 17, 2012


REHMAT-E-ALLAH (BLESSING OF ALLAH) IS A SOURCE OF SALVATION (MAKTOOB) All praises is for Allah Almighty Whose a drop of Rehmat (blessing) is enough for the salvation of the whole creation. This is why, every person will be forgiven because of His Rehmat. It is reported in Hadith Mubarak that our blessed Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم says, ‘ a man of Allah will be called to Allah Almighty. When his good deeds will be weighed on The Scale, the side of good deeds goes down. Allah Almighty will say to him, ‘O My servant! I have forgiven you, out of My Blessing.’ The man will say, ‘O my Lord! I have been forgiven due to my good deeds, then why have You said that I have been forgiven because of Your Rehmat (Blessing)? Allah Almighty will say to angels to take this man to the Field of Day of Judgement. When the angels take him there, this man will be out of breath due to severe heat, and ask angels for water. The angels will reply that here things will be given when you give your good deeds in return. Give us half of your good deeds and get a pot of water. He will buy a pot of water by giving half of his good deeds, but his thirst will not satiate. He will again buy another pot of water by giving the other half of his good deeds. In this way, he will be left with no good deeds in his account, and will be taken before Allah Almighty. Allah will say to him, ‘O my slave! How much of my water did you use in the world? Besides this, I bestowed you many of My Blessings. Now, tell Me, you have been forgiven due to your good deeds or My Rehmat. This man of Allah will shamefully say, ‘ my Lord! Verily, I have been forgiven because of Your Rehmat.’ My dear brother, we don’t have good deeds in our accounts, but we are simply relying on the Blessing of Allah Almighty. May Allah Almighty forgive us out of His special Rehmat (Blessing).

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